Integrative Services

Integrative Dentistry

Integrative Dentistry is a modern approach to oral health and wellness, which integrates oral health plus whole body health. The mouth is the gateway to your entire body. With advanced screenings and care, now more than ever it is possible to detect and correct many health issues before they become health crisis.

Elliott Dental, located in Chandler AZ, specializes in offering the best integrative dentistry services. Dr. Anita Elliott trained under integrative health leader, Dr. Andrew Weil. She is a national dental educator, has achieved Fellowship or Diplomat status in all of the most prestigious dental organizations and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, ABC, CBS and FOX television and was featured at the Kroger/Fry’s Grocery Stores in a nationwide special dental health campaign.

Her dedication is to helping you get the results you want and deserve for a healthy mouth and body.

Our integrative dental services include: