Preventive Services

Preventative Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more. There are many forms of preventive dentistry, such as daily brushing and dental cleanings.

By taking great care of your teeth, you can prevent dental problems from developing later on such as cavities, gingivitis, enamel loss or periodontitis.

Oral health is connected to the health of your body as a whole.  With good dental hygiene, you can greatly reduce your risk of dental problems that can reduce your risk of secondary health problems caused by poor oral health such as diabetes, cancer heart disease and respiratory disease.

Elliott Dental, located in Chandler AZ, specializes in offering the best preventative dentistry services. Dr. Anita Elliott is a national dental educator,  has achieved Fellowship or Diplomat status in all of the most prestigious dental organizations and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, ABC, CBS and FOX television and was featured at the Kroger/Fry’s Grocery Stores in a nationwide special dental health campaign.

Her dedication is to helping you get the results you want and deserve for a healthy mouth and body.

Our preventative dental services include: